Summer progress update

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Summer has proven to be very busy for the building teams!

Our new car park and, most importantly, Multi-Use Games Area are nearly ready for our return!

Heavy machines, MUGA and a sunken trampoline location

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As the works are progressing you can see more and more details. Multi Use Games Area is scheduled to be ready for September. The big hole in the ground marks the place where our sunken trampoline room is going to be. How exciting!!!!

New building foundations

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It is very exciting that the foundations of our new building are nearly complete. We’re getting closer to the next stage of building works. Follow us for regular updates.

Building works update

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The end of June proved to be sunny and the building works could continue as planned. It is great to see the expansion to the back of the site where our extended car park is going to be located. Brand new, accessible, MUGA is definitely something we are looking forward to use. It will also be available for community use so watch that space!

Senior Leadership Team in full gear

Our Senior Leadership Team are always ready to gets their hands dirty, no matter what it is.

We are very pleased that the work on our new site is progressing in accordance to the plan.

Foundations of dinner hall and kitchen

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As the works are progressing we are starting to see the lay out of our new school building. There are also exciting things happening behind the sports hall….

Latest press release


Yesterday we had a visit from the leader of the council, Mr Patrick Harley, who said: “There has been a lot of hard work getting to this point and I am delighted to see that coming to fruition with activity on site. We have been championing the drive for better facilities for our children and I am pleased to say that is paying off.”

You can see the full press release by accessing this link:

It’s time to lay in the foundation for the new building!

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Building works progress

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The base area for the new school building is nearly ready. Everything seems to be on track.

If you would like more information, of if you notice anything out of order, please contact the school.

The building works are progressing nicely

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