Dudley Parent Carers Key Areas of Focus Survey
Parent Carer 2019/20 Priorities
One of Dudley Parent Carer Forum – Working Together for Change’s core functions is to be the local voice of parent carers. This means that the steering group work with partners to promote and champion parent carers, ensure strategic parent carer participation, as well as using local parent carer experiences to shape the discussion had at a local level.
A number of ‘Talking Points’ have been developed nationally by the National Network for Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) – these are topics and themes that are the most important to NNPCF membership (http://www.nnpcf.org.uk/about-the-nnpcf/talking-points), they have been collated nationally from experiences, conversations, and information gathered from NNPCF member parent carer forums and their parent carer communities.
We would like to use these ‘talking points’ to help us focus on local priorities within Dudley Borough so we can focus our energies and influence decisions on issues that have the most impact on your lives. The information you share and issues you feel are a priority will help us develop our 2019/2020 objectives.