Post 14
Post 14
The Post 14 Department at Pens Meadow, Pensnett has four classes; Oak, Elm, Maple and Birch. Students are at Pensnett from the age of fourteen until they are nineteen. There are four teachers, three HLTAs, class based health support and teaching assistants. There are also special needs support workers.
The Post 14 team of staff is led by Gavin Lees, who has teaching and learning responsibility for the pupils. Students in Post 14 all have a keyworker; a member of the form team, who is the main point of contact for parents. Students also have support from therapists, school health, educational psychology, social care and the family support team as and when required.
The core curriculum in Post 14 ensures all students have broad, balanced, relevant and challenging opportunities. Communication, independence, personal development and preparation for the next stage of their adult life are the central themes. This is delivered through an national curriculum within KS4 and accredited courses in KS5. Different approaches are used; teaching in registration groups, ability groups, interest groups with 1:1 teaching and support where required. All students have individualised end points in Maths and English as well as IEP targets to overcome their barriers to learning. The class teams work with families to focus on areas of priority to achieve targets together.
Once particular needs, strengths, areas of interests or challenges have been identified, there are opportunities within the week to personalise the curriculum for students. We have excellent facilities for developing catering and hospitality skills, office skills or outdoor learning such as horticulture. This supports students by providing relevant work related learning opportunities within Post 14, before students undertake external work related learning opportunities.
Students also have opportunities to undertake farm visits, swimming, college links, sports studies in the sports hall, creative arts and community visits to practise the skills learned in school.
Once a student starts at Post 14 we work with a wide range of providers and support networks to ensure our students have the best possible opportunities for moving on positively after school. These include designated transition staff within school, the family outreach team, connexions, social care, health professionals, colleges, local businesses, and the voluntary sector and youth services.
Elm Registration Group is a mixed age group, meeting the needs of students with different abilities including complex learning difficulties, medical needs and autism.
Oak Registration Group is a mixed age group, meeting the needs of students with different abilities including complex learning difficulties, medical needs and autism.
Birch Registration Group is a mixed age group, meeting the needs of students with different abilities including complex learning difficulties, medical needs and autism.
Maple Registration Group is a year 3 group, meeting the needs of students with different abilities including complex learning difficulties, medical needs and autism.