Pupil Voice
At Pens Meadow School we recognise and celebrate pupil’s voice. Whether it is through speech, gestures, symbols, vocalisation or even facial expressions as well as eye pointing, every member of our learners population is encouraged and enabled to be heard.
During lesson time, pupils are encouraged to comment, answer questions and make choices to check their knowledge and consolidate learning. Key worker approach allows staff to get to know pupils very well. This enables them to recognise any changes to pupils’ behaviour, appearance and even the way they communicate. We recognise that some of our pupils cannot communicate their concerns or worries therefore this is vital to ensure nothing gets missed.
By knowing how best pupils can be supported to use their voice and express their opinions, we can best support them to develop this vital life skill. Pupil’s individual pupil voice levels can be found in the communication section of their All About Me document. The levels are outlined below:
- Level 1 – Adult notices pupil’s reaction to an activity/experience and gives the pupil the language to describe this.
- Level 2 – Pupil eye points to demonstrate their choice.
- Level 3 – Pupil reaches towards or touches object/symbol/photo/switch to indicate their choice.
- Level 4 – Pupil independently indicates their choice by grasping and moving an object/using their voice/signing/using symbols/ALDs.
- Level 5 – Pupil say what they have done well, or need to try harder with, using symbols/ALDs/signs as needed.
- Level 6 – Pupil is able to say what they could do next time to improve using symbols/ALDs/signs as needed.
- Level 7 – Pupil comments on their peers’ achievements using symbols/ALDs/signs as needed.