Middle and Upper Phase

 The Middle and Upper Phase

The Middle Phase at Pens Meadow, Ridge Hill has one class,  Yellow for pupils in Year 5 to Year 7. The Upper Phase has 2 classes ; Red and Blue for pupils from year 6 to year 10.

Each pupil is placed in the class that can best meet their needs; both educationally and with regard to health.

The Middle and Upper team of staff is led by Valerie Hill, who has teaching and learning responsibility for the pupils. There are two other teachers,  HLTAs, class based health support and teaching assistants. Each class also has care support workers over the lunchtime period.

Pupils in Middle and Upper phases all have a keyworker; a member of the class team, who is the main point of contact for parents. Pupils also have support from speech and language therapists, physiotherapist, occupational therapists, teachers for hearing impaired and visually impaired, school health, educational psychology, social care and the family support team as and when required.

The curriculum in Middle and Upper phases follows the Pens Meadow approach of placing the child at the centre. Communication, independence, personal development and preparation for the next stage of their school career are the central themes. This is delivered through a structured, subject delivery approach detailed in our curriculum. All pupils have individualised end points in Maths and English as well as IEP targets to overcome their barriers to learning. The class teams work with families to focus on areas of priority to achieve targets together.

Pupils in the Middle and Upper Phase have a registration group, which is their class base. However, to provide challenge and meet different needs, pupils are grouped for some elements of the curriculum. These groups include Maths, English, Science as well as phonics, farm visits and swimming. Whilst there is flexibility of movement between classes, the aim is that pupils become established in classes with staff that know them well. This provides a safe and secure learning environment where pupils can maximise their potential.

Pupils go out of school on regular community engagement which are linked to topics, give opportunities to develop learning from school lessons in different contexts, or are to take part in one on the Pens Meadow Challenge activities.

As pupils move throughout the Middle and Upper Phase they are challenged to grow and develop as individuals, meeting their targets and becoming confident young adults so they are ready for transition to the Post 14 Department at Pensnett Site.


Yellow Class is a bridge between mainly class based in Lower Phase, and the grouping approach used in upper phase. It will prepare pupils for moving up through the school, with provision personalised to ensure pupils are working towards achieving outcomes.


Blue Class is a structured provision, utilising the TEACCH area. As pupils move towards Year 11, the focus will be on preparing them for Post 16.


Red Class is the nurture provision in the upper phase; provision will be organised to ensure pupils are working towards achieving outcomes. As pupils move towards Year 11, the focus will be on preparing them for transition into Year 11.