Winter Bugs
We are approaching the time of year when children begin to suffer from coughs and colds and other unpleasant bugs and viruses. We would appreciate your help in stopping the spread of such infections by considering the state of your child’s health before sending them into school. We know that this is sometimes a very difficult judgement to make and we know that a child’s health can deteriorate quickly during the day. However, if your child is clearly not well, we ask that you keep them at home, both for their own sake and for the others who come in contact with them during the day. If your child has sickness and or diarrhoea, we ask that you follow the guidelines from the Department of Health and keep them off school for 48 hours, from their last bout.
In addition, could we please ask you to make sure that the information we have on care plans is up to date. If a child’s medication changes, this is particularly important for us to know, and likewise emergency contact numbers, so we can get in touch with you when needed.
Your help and assistance in trying to keep Pens Meadow a healthy environment is much appreciated.